World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis is a widespread liver inflammation usually of viral origin. Its clinical symptoms include: liver enlargement, gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fever, and jaundice. The common types of viral hepatitis are: Hepatitis A, B, and C. In Hepatitis A, the virus is transmitted through fecal-oral route and usually recovers completely. In Hepatitis B, the virus is transmitted through blood and body fluids. In Hepatitis C, the virus is transmitted through contaminated needles, sexual contact, or infected saliva. Nutritional recommendations for Hepatitis A, B, and C 1- Maintaining normal weight is essential for patients, especially those with Hepatitis B and C, as obese individuals are often afflicted with fatty liver. 2- Patients with Hepatitis C should consume sufficient protein to aid in the recovery process and maintain muscle mass. However, plant-based protein sources are preferred over animal sources. 3- Fatty foods, especially of animal origin, impose a heavy burden on the liver. Therefore, it is advisable to use non-hydrogenated vegetable oils such as olive oil and flaxseed oil, and to seriously avoid solid fats, margarine, peanut butter, fast food, high-fat milk and cheese, cream, and pastries. 4- Processed foods (sausages, salami, etc.), semi-prepared foods, and canned foods containing various preservatives and additives should be reduced, and consumption of fresh foods should be increased. 5- Salt intake should be limited. 6- Vitamin-rich foods such as whole grains, legumes, fresh and raw vegetables and fruits, and liver are recommended. 7- Consumption of commercial fruit juices (due to their high sugar content) and artificial sweeteners (which are difficult for the liver to metabolize) should be limited. 8- Patients with Hepatitis C should avoid foods containing simple sugars such as chocolate, biscuits, chewing gum, and fruit juices. 9- Drinking lemon water with water 30 minutes before breakfast and one teaspoon of pure olive oil stimulates bile production. 10- Consumption of coffee, colas, chocolates, and some teas should be limited. 11- Consumption of coffee, colas, chocolates, and some teas should be limited. 12- It is better to substitute whole grain bread, pasta, whole grains, and brown rice for white and processed varieties. 13- Among fruits, consumption of apples and pears is recommended. 14- Among dairy products, consuming yogurt is better. 15- These individuals should avoid consuming iron supplements. Health Promotion Unit, Iranian Psychiatric Hospital
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