News of health week 2024

In line with Health Week (April 21-27, 2024), Ms. Elham Babaei (Senior Clinical Psychology Expert) conducted face-to-face training on family health, social mental health, and the universal right and responsibility of family health according to the Health Week schedule at the Iranian Psychiatric Hospital Clinic. She emphasized that the main focus of Health Week 2024 is the family: Since each individual in a family plays a specific role that is part of the family’s daily functioning, the illness of one family member disrupts the entire family. When a family member becomes ill, other members must change their lifestyle and take on some of the roles of the sick individual, which in turn affects their normal personal roles and duties. She further emphasized the following points: Actions that can help the patient adapt to their illness and also maintain and enhance the patient’s psychological capabilities:
  • Important points regarding family support for psychiatric patients
  • Several important tips for effective communication with psychiatric patients
  • Methods of establishing communication with psychiatric patients
On the Health Week schedule, the therapy staff, in collaboration with Ms. Maryam Boroumand (Head of Therapy) and Ms. Leila Soltani (Head of the Health Promotion Unit), arranged for patients to continue their activities (such as sports, painting, etc.) in the hospital yard.
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