Academic, educational and research biography of Dr. Behrouz Milanifar
biography of Dr. Milanifar
Dr. Behrouz Milanifar was born on April 18, 1932, in the city of Mashhad. He spent his childhood and attended school in Mashhad, then entered the School of Medicine at Tehran University. After completing his university studies and obtaining a doctorate in medicine, he joined the Ministry of Health. After ten years of medical service, he went to London, England, for further studies. After five years, he successfully obtained specialty degrees in Public Health (D.P.H) and Psychiatry (D.P.M) from the Royal College of London.
During their time studying and residing in England, in addition to their academic pursuits, they worked as a clinical neurology assistant at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. They also undertook training courses in psychiatry and psychoanalysis at GoodMayes Hospital in London.
In 1972, due to their special interest in their homeland, they returned to Iran to continue serving their compatriots. They started working at Razavi Psychiatric Center and began teaching psychology courses at Pars Higher School from the beginning of the academic year 1973.
He retired in 1985 with 28 years of service and continued his psychiatry and teaching activities in his private practice, university, and after the establishment of the Iranian neuropsychiatric hospital in this hospital.
Lasting and outstanding services of Dr. Behrouz Milanifar:
The foundation and establishment of the Iranian neuropsychiatric hospital with the cooperation of several friends and neuropsychiatric doctors
Author of the book Psychology of Exceptional Children and Adolescents (the first edition was published in 1989 and after six updates, the 37th edition was published in 2022).
Compilation of the book on mental health (first edition in 1990 and after three updates, the 15th edition was published in 2022).
Compilation of the book of texts and terms of psychology and psychiatry, which unfortunately did not finish its publication.
Research and research on aggravating and predisposing factors in patients referred to Tehran Mental Health Center for 10 years, which according to this research by the World Health Organization in 1975 to give a speech and present the mentioned article in the regional mental health seminar He was invited to the Mediterranean in Sudan.
Research, investigation and examination of mental disorders during deployment and return from war fronts in Khuzestan, the results of this research are reflected in his works.
Unfortunately, he passed away on 23 - 5 - 2021 due to discomfort and heart failure.
Below, we draw your attention to some of his psychiatric and educational activities:
Some important organizational positions and psychiatric activities:
Member of the Board of Founders of Iranian Neurological and Psychiatric Hospital
Active psychiatrist at Cheharazi Hospital, Razi Psychiatric Center, Iranian Hospital and cooperation with other hospitals in the country to provide counseling and psychiatric measures for patients.
Senior expert and deputy of the Department of Mental Health and the Ministry of Health (current health, treatment and medical education)
Head of Tehran's Hedayat Comprehensive Psychiatry Center while maintaining the position of Deputy Director of Mental Health Department of the Ministry of Health.
Some educational activities:
Professor and lecturer of Pars High School in the fields of mental health, personality psychology, texts and terms of psychology and psychiatry, exceptional children and adolescents. From 1973 to 1982
Professor and lecturer of Islamic Azad University in the fields of (H.D) exceptional children and adolescents and clinical psychology, child psychiatry since 1992.
Professor and lecturer of Allameh Tabatabai University, Department of Exceptional Children and Adolescents
Professor and lecturer of the Institute of Psychiatry of Iran in the fields of mental health and psychiatry of children and the elderly, as well as giving lectures in mental health seminars in the country and abroad.
Supervisor and advisor of theses and theses in general and clinical psychology, as well as MS disease (doctoral and postgraduate courses in the above universities)