Celebrating Health Week

On the date of 1401/02/22, with the presence of the esteemed official of Municipality District 22, Mr. Engineer Mohammadi, the mayor of District 1 of Municipality District 22, Mr. Engineer Kurdbocheh, the head of Social and Cultural Affairs, Ms. Engineer Tashakkori, and other respected officials, the Health House of District 1 of Municipality District 22 hosted a celebration with the participation of managers and officials of the Iranian Psychiatric Hospital. The following programs were held:

  • Appreciation of the Personnel of the Iranian Psychiatric Hospital by the esteemed leadership of Municipality District 22
  • Celebration held in the hospital’s assembly hall with the presence of patients for their enjoyment, featuring various programs (such as performances, music, and plays), along with refreshments.

Health Promotion and Education Unit of the Iranian Psychiatric Hospital

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