A) Prevention
* Consumption of Adequate Immune-Boosting Nutrients
- Protein Sources: Increasing protein intake by 10 percent (in the absence of other issues such as kidney disorders)
Animal protein sources (red meat, poultry such as chicken, seafood like fish), legumes such as soy.
- Arginine Amino Acid: Rich sources include nuts such as walnuts, legumes, animal protein (red meat, poultry such as chicken, seafood like fish)
- Omega-3 Fatty Acid: Rich sources include fish, canola, rapeseed oil, walnuts
- Vitamin A: Vitamin A is anti-inflammatory and plays a role in improving the immune system. Rich sources include eggs, yellow fruits, and vegetables
- Vitamin D: Prevents respiratory infections including viral infections. Rich sources of vitamin D: fatty fish, dairy products, egg yolks
- Vitamin E: Among fat-soluble vitamins, it has strong antioxidant properties and helps strengthen the immune system and fight disease-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. Rich sources include nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and plant oils such as sunflower oil, corn, and soy
- Vitamin B6: Animal protein sources, starchy vegetables such as potatoes, fruits (except citrus fruits)
- Vitamin B12: Prevents rapid progression of viral infections. It plays a vital role in the production of white blood cells and strengthens the immune system.
Rich sources of vitamin B12: Animal protein such as red meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs
- Vitamin C: Eliminates bacteria and viruses. Rich sources of vitamin C: fruits such as oranges, lemons, kiwis, grapefruits, and vegetables such as cabbage and bell peppers
- Zinc: Zinc deficiency weakens the immune system. Rich sources of zinc: whole grains, dairy products, and animal protein sources.
- Selenium: Adequate selenium intake reduces inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Rich sources of selenium: animal protein sources, bananas, mushrooms, brown rice.
* High doses of vitamins and minerals should not be taken indiscriminately. Animal sources must be thoroughly cooked. Avoid consuming raw materials that cannot be washed. Use separate utensils for cooked and raw foods. Wash hands thoroughly between preparing raw and cooked foods.
* Drink sufficient and abundant fluids (adequate hydration). Being well-hydrated helps the body eliminate toxins and maintain immunity.
* While some foods like garlic can boost the immune system, excessive consumption can have adverse effects on metabolism and may interfere with other foods, supplements, and prescribed medications.
B) Treatment:
- Adhere to diversity and balance in the diet plan and use all 5 food groups including the grain group with an emphasis on whole grains and bran breads, various types of sprouts, and the fruit group with an emphasis on consuming various fruits, the vegetable group with an emphasis on consuming various types of vegetables with different colors, especially the cabbage family, the meat group with an emphasis on eggs, poultry such as chicken, fish, legumes, and nuts, and the dairy group with an emphasis on consuming low-fat dairy products.
- For breakfast, use eggs, low-fat milk, low-salt cheese, bran and whole grain breads, and fruits and vegetables. Regular consumption of a complete breakfast plays a role in strengthening the immune system.
- Ensure the required daily protein intake, especially through eggs, poultry, and legumes.
- Chicken and eggs are good sources of iron due to the structural role of proteins in the immune system. Daily and sufficient consumption of protein sources is very important.
- Take recommended supplements such as vitamin D according to the protocols announced for different age groups.
- Use iron-containing food sources such as various meats and legumes along with vitamin C-rich foods such as fresh oranges and lemons for better iron absorption.
- Use food sources containing vitamin B6 such as eggs, poultry, fish, mushrooms, legumes, and nuts which may contribute to strengthening the immune system. Vitamin B6 also plays a role in protein metabolism.
- Consume fully cooked food. Especially for meats, poultry, seafood, and eggs, ensure they are thoroughly cooked.
- Consume soup to obtain vegetables, whole grains (such as barley), and fluids.
- In preparing soup, you can use vitamin A precursor sources such as carrots, tomatoes, and pumpkins, as well as various leafy vegetables such as parsley, coriander, spinach, and dill, and also vegetables such as broccoli and onions due to their sulfur compounds and sprouts because of their various B vitamins, along with chicken breast pieces.
- Consume plenty of warm fluids such as boiled water and light tea.
- Consume fresh fruits and vegetables, use all subgroups of fruits due to their vitamin A precursor and vitamin C, and use all subgroups of vegetables containing yellow, red, orange, and green vegetables, washed well and disinfected. Vegetables, due to their vitamin A precursor, folic acid, vitamin C, and the abundance of seed colors, enhance the immune system.
- Regularly consume various citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, mandarins) at least twice a day. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which plays an important role in strengthening the immune system.
- Consume whole grains with bran (such as bran bread), whole grains containing B vitamins and selenium, which can help strengthen the immune system.
- Consume low-fat dairy products preferably with probiotics, at least two cups a day. This group is a good source of vitamin B2 which plays a role in the immune system.
- Regular use of probiotic yogurts. These substances play a role in the health of the digestive system and prevent the growth and reproduction of various microbes. Moreover, yogurt is a good source of protein and iron.
- Consume various fish at least twice a week. These foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, which play an important role in strengthening the immune system. Additionally, fish are a good source of selenium which plays an important role in strengthening the immune system.
- Use liquid vegetable oils such as canola oil, sesame oil, and olive oil in cooking and with salad. These substances also contain omega-3 and are recommended to be consumed within the required energy range. Moreover, liquid vegetable oils contain vitamin E which plays a role in strengthening the immune system.
- Including various nuts and unsalted nuts in the diet plan is appropriate for strengthening the immune system. Nuts are a good source of vitamin E, iron, and selenium. However, it is necessary to avoid excessive consumption.
- Avoid excessive consumption of fast foods, processed meats, and fried foods as they contain high amounts of salt, trans fats, and saturated fats, which are undesirable for health and immune system function.
- Avoid consuming sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages, and avoid consuming simple sugars as they weaken the immune system.
- While some foods like garlic play a role in boosting the immune system due to the presence of phytochemicals, their exaggeration and excessive consumption are not recommended.
- Avoid eating out and at work. Foods eaten outside the home may not be prepared with strict hygiene measures and may contain high amounts of salt and fats, which will weaken the immune system. Staff in various food preparation and serving departments, including purchasing and storage managers, chefs, servers, and food distributors, should always take hygiene seriously and wash their hands thoroughly with warm water and soap at various opportunities, and keep their clothes and uniforms clean and tidy.
It is recommended that this group of individuals wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water:
- When starting work, moving food, before and after eating and drinking, when handling garbage, during workplace cleaning, after coughing and sneezing, handling money and presenting invoices, and in all similar situations.
- Specialized assessments of vitamins and minerals should be conducted based on the patient’s condition and the recommendations of the treatment team (especially in high-risk patients such as children, pregnant women, the elderly, and patients with underlying diseases).
- Generally, patients who follow a specific diet due to underlying conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure should continue their dietary restrictions if they contract coronavirus.
- Avoid sweets such as candies, pastries, chocolates, cakes, and other confectioneries.
C) Nutrition:
- Ensure adequate fluid intake (water, fruit juice), vegetable broth, light tea, meat broth, and chicken broth to a total of 8 cups to thin respiratory secretions.
- Various soups and light broths.
- Daily consumption of fruit, vegetables, or steamed vegetables to stimulate appetite and provide necessary micronutrients.
- Use vitamin A food sources to maintain respiratory mucosal integrity such as egg yolk, meat, fish, liver, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, yellow and orange bell peppers, dark green leafy vegetables like cabbage leaves and spinach.
- Use vitamin C sources for their antioxidant properties: citrus fruits, green vegetables like bell peppers, fresh orange or lemon juice with meals and salads, which also increases appetite.
- Use protein sources rich in zinc, selenium, which strengthen the immune system, such as red meat, chicken, eggs, fish (salmon), or shrimp, legumes, whole grains, various nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, etc.), and dried fruits at least twice a day.
- Use complex carbohydrates and starch sources such as rice, potatoes, bran bread at least once a day.
- Use vegetable oil or vegetable oil such as sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, olive, sesame, and rapeseed oil for essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins in food preparation (except for frying).
- Use honey, fresh garlic and onions, ginger to boost the immune system and suppress cough, use turmeric in cooking for its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Use ginger or banana in case of nausea.
- Add some bran to soups, broths, and salads to prevent constipation.
- Regularly consume breakfast and two to three snacks to better meet energy and nutrient needs.
- Avoid heavy foods such as thick soups, dense meat broths, macaroni, and sausages that are difficult to digest.
- Limit consumption of fatty or fried foods such as aloe vera, fried potatoes, pizza cheese, various kookoo (Persian-style omelette), and cutlet.
- Limit consumption of fast foods, salt, pickles, canned salty foods, and processed ready-to-eat foods, limit consumption of dairy products except for probiotic products.
- Limit consumption of stimulant beverages and foods such as coffee, strong tea, Nescafe, or bitter chocolate.
- Limit bran intake in case of diarrhea.
- Continuation of dietary restrictions in individuals with underlying diseases (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.).